Watch The Story Of A Puppy Who Narrowly Escaped Death And Couldn’t Find A Place To Live


A puppy knocking on death’s door was brought to a shelter in Georgia as a stray.

Her condition was so dire, it was only a matter of time before she was euthanized.

She suffered from severe neglect, from living alone on the streets. Her fur was so bad she was bleeding everywhere. It was heartbreaking!

Hounds In Pounds posted her photos asking for donations and prayers.

If enough people could rally behind the puppy, it stood a slim chance, but it would be better than nothing. They raised enough money to start healing! They picked her up from the shelter and named her… Asha.

Asha was in a lot of pain and fear, but all she showed was gratitude and love. She had to stay in a medical facility. Everyone was hopeful, but no one could predict the outcome.

She was underweight and had secondary skin infections. Poor Asha was in bad shape. With each medicated bath, antibiotic and TLC, Asha began to improve.

Her skin stopped bleeding and the sores began to heal. Her fur took time to grow back, but she already looked so much better!

Hounds in Pounds knew Asha needed a special home that could understand her background and medical condition. They found the perfect place once she was well enough to go.

With all the prayers and love and top notch medical care, Asha was ready, or so they thought she was…Asha could live on the streets. She went from the street to a kennel at the medical center. She didn’t know how to function as a typical household dog.

She knew pain and loneliness. The change was too hard for her. Her anxiety was high and her rescuers and foster family were concerned about her being returned.

But no one was willing to give up. The rescue group sent her to live with a trainer for two months.

The trainer, Jeff Coltenback, knew what needed to be done for Asha to live with her family. He worked with her day and night, never wavering because he knew Asha had the potential to live happily in a home, with a family.


Coletenback said: “Some homeless dogs present what people perceive as challenges. Then comes the dog, like Asha, and I know with every thread we see that these are not challenges. They are reminders of what we can all become: the best versions of ourselves”

With the puppies, Asha changed completely. She helped them and the puppies saved her life.

Asha has become a brand new dog! She began to understand how things work at home and what a family looks like.

Once an anxious dog who couldn’t be home, he became the perfect addition to a foster family. Only one thing was missing: A loving family for life.

But no one was willing to adopt her for 9 whole months. It was devastating, considering what she had been through. Asha needed stability and a family that could really invest in her and love her.

Then finally a family in New Jersey heard about Ash. They already had two other dogs and lived an active life.

Besides dogs, their biggest passion was of course hiking! The family contacted Hounds In Pounds and explained that their home was the perfect place for Asha.

Just last week, Asha came home! Her new family is thrilled!!They just sent this text:

When asked about Ash and what he means to Cat, she said: “Every dog ​​is special, but some need more help than others. Asha was one of those dogs. She embodies the magnificence of a dog’s nature and has an incredible journey behind her. She didn’t have an easy start in life, but she refused to give up. He gives us his best every day and expects nothing in return. ”
