The Struggles Faced By Homeless Stray Animals, Dealing With Hunger, Disease, And A Diminished Will To Live


A man is at the gas station then detects a dog is shortness of breath. Among this crowd, the dog that c.h.oh.t hungry and many passers-by ignored. Its name is African. He’s just skin and bones so starved for many days.

When the man goes to the dogs, he was shocked to see the plight of his. He was weak and sickly were not able to react in the presence of men. Look into the eyes Africa, we can know that you’ve been through a terrible time and fear.

Com a ajuda de algumas pessoas de bom coração, o homem conseguiu levar o pobre cachorro ao veterinário. África n.ã.o conseguia se mover, então eles tiveram que usar uma sacola para carregá-lo. Todos e os veterinários farão tudo o que puderem para salvar África.

Quando África foi ao veterinário, ele entrou em coma profundo. O veterinário imediatamente deu-lhe uma injeção. Depois de um tempo, África foi capaz de recuperar a consciência. Depois de ser alimentado, ele recebeu injeções de insulina intravenosa para estabilizar a saúde.


Due to health problems of Africa were supposed to stay at the vet for a long time. Thanks to the care and love of the vet and man, uncle began to recover health. He has shown signs of recovery significantly and can feed themselves. He finally recovered and forget all the bad memories in the past.

You will grieve to think that until this man came, Africa, the poor remain invisible to passers-by. We are very pleased that Africa has finally found the good people willing to take care, protect and love it.
