The Inspiring Journey Of An Elderly Dog With A Missing Paw, Rescued By A Caring Family And Finding Unprecedented Happiness


Ready to get excited? Because the story of the stray dog ​​Negresco, who was adopted when he was old and with a series of illnesses by a family who wanted him to have a ‘happy ending’, is extremely moving.

Suiane told, in an emotional video, the story of one of the five dogs that were rescued and adopted by her, Negresco. Already elderly, the dog was adopted by the woman with only three legs, deaf, with cancer and lung metastasis.

For many, he would already have his death decree ready, but not for Suiane and her family. Sensitized and concerned about providing a comfortable and kind ‘rest’ of life for the dog, the woman adopted him despite all his health complications.

After all, the only purpose there was to make an elderly dog ​​happy. Negresco’s life expectancy, according to what he says, was not high and was around six months. A perspective that was surpassed by the warrior dog, who, happy to have a family, lived for more than a year.

Negresco’s guardian also says that, despite his advanced age and all his health problems, he was very happy to live. He was even able to demonstrate “immense gratitude” for having been so lovingly welcomed.

Living intensely each phase, each moment, Suiane, Negresco and the other canine brothers enjoyed each day as if it were the last, because in fact, one of them would be.

Even though she had to give him food in his mouth or find some other way for him to accept eating when he was weaker, the owner went to great lengths to make everything easier.

Although it was a relatively short time, Negresco was able to live a new story, where he was more loved, more cared for. Likewise, the elderly and sick dog marked the history of those who were able to live with him during this period.

And that is exactly the power of animals: to mark the lives of their humans in the purest and most loving way, as Negresco did.


Check out the video shared by the tutor:

According to the Dogs for Adoption shelter , most people generally prefer a puppy when adopting a dog or even a cat. But the institution emphasizes the importance of adopting older animals or animals with special needs, as they also need a home.

“They are as affectionate and companionable as puppies, but they end up waiting up to four times longer in the adoption queue. So why not take advantage of all the affection and comfort you can offer and welcome this new friend into your home?”, they highlight.

Either way, a pet with a disability can love its owner, live a peaceful life, be happy and enjoy life with a family. Generally, these animals wait for years in the adoption queue to find new families and live a life full of love, affection and pleasure. Therefore, the return of affection and happiness, when they finally find an owner, is great.

On her TikTok profile, the owner also encourages, through videos of Negresco and her other dogs, the adoption of elderly animals. And with an example like that, we don’t even need any more reasons, do we?

Despite the sadness of not having him here anymore, Suiane can be fully aware that she changed the life of a little dog who had no expectations, and who, without a doubt, left knowing how much he was loved by his family.

Click here to follow her and continue following the story of the other dogs rescued by Suiane.

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