Malnourished Dog Abandoned At Vet Clinic Doesn’t Look Like A Dog At All


When Dobby was rescued, he was in terrible shape. The poor honey didn’t even look like a dog.

He was mostly hairless, and his skin was red and raw.

He was taken to a vaccination clinic funded by Concerned Citizens for Animal Welfare. The staff couldn’t believe their eyes, but they knew that they needed to help him.

His condition was heartbreaking.

Dobby was five years old, but had never even seen the inside of a vet’s office. Sara, one of the employees of the clinic, was drawn to the poor creature and knew he desperately needed some care and love.

It wasn’t just his skin that was the issue; he was starving.

His skin was exposed and raw because of the flea treatments his former owner had given him. Apparently, she hadn’t wanted to spend the money or time getting him the proper care he needed.

She didn’t seem to care much about the dog, and Dobby’s rescuers begged her to surrender him so that they could care for him.


She agreed right away, and Dobby was whisked away. He was in a lot of pain and needed all the help he could get.

His rescuers immediately went to work nursing him back to health. He was given a soothing bath and got bloodwork done. Despite the water and the needles, Dobby remained kind and sweet.

After a short amount of time with his rescuers, Dobby seemed not only healthier, but happier, too.

He started on the road to healing, and then an organization called Pawsibilities Rescue took him in. They posted about Dobby on Facebook in the hopes of finding a loving family that could give him a forever home.

It worked. When Liz Ford and her family saw the post, they knew that he belonged with them.

Nowadays, Dobby looks like a completely different dog! His transformation is incredible.
