Helpless Mother Dog Tied To A Tree Bravely Held On Until Help Finally Arrived


Despite the warnings and appeals of numerous rescue organizations, more and more dogs are left to fend for themselves on the street.

The saddest thing is that many of these poor creatures were previously abused or tied to a fence and abandoned without the possibility of defending themselves from the various dangers that lurk.

A similar fate befell Angel – a mother dog who was left tied to a tree at Iglesia Park in Aliso Viejo, California. This one-and-a-half-year-old Siberian Husky and German Shepherd mix was helpless to save herself, let alone help her seven puppies.

Luckily, people from the rescue center soon found her and immediately went into action to save her and the puppies.

Saved At The Last Moment

After the successful operation in the park in Aliso Viejo, California, the rescuers took the mother dog and her babies to the premises of the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center.

Unfortunately, they did not have any concrete information about how this canine family ended up in that place or how long they stayed there.

Although they were found safe and healthy, the City of Mission Viejo, CA – Local Government wrote in their Facebook post that no food, water, or shelter was left for them. This means they did not stay in that place for too long and the rescuers came in time.

However, it could have been completely different because numerous dangers were lurking around the corner. It was coyote mating season and many of these creatures roam the streets of the city in those days. Fortunately, the worst scenario did not occur.

The center’s employees tried to find a microchip on her body, but Angel lacked one. Luckily, by all indications, she and her puppies were fine, and there were no sign of previous abuse.

The employees of the center had only words of praise for this brave mother.

“She rolls over in submission when getting pets and will crawl up into your lap for attention,” Kelly Tokarski, the public information specialist for the City of Mission Viejo, said according to the Mission Viejo website. “Simply put, Angel is a great dog. She just needs a wonderful home to give her the love she deserves.”


Before Angel and her pups were ready for a new beginning, they all received baths and vaccines. Aside from that, the great people from the Dedicated Animal Welfare Group (DAWG) provided them with all their medical supplies.

Good souls came together and helped this canine family step into a new, happier life.

New Beginnings

There were no difficulties for the puppies, as they all found their furever homes very quickly. Although a very young pup herself, the mom was not so lucky and had to wait a little longer.

Nevertheless, once again, the power of social networks has been demonstrated, which can sometimes contribute to the most positive things. It was the same this time.

“Just 24 hours after Angel’s story aired on KNBC Channel 4 and went viral via the City’s social media, the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center experienced a surge in adoption applications for this sweet Siberian husky-German shepherd mix,” City of Mission Viejo, CA – Local Government wrote in their newest Facebook post.

Eventually, one lovely family from Murrieta, California, had the honor of welcoming Angel to their home. After they lost multiple family pets, she came as a balm for their wounded souls.

In the end, all members of this canine family met their happy endings. This story once again proves that just a few good deeds from kind souls can sometimes completely change someone’s destiny.

Thanks to that, it was a true happily ever after.
