Grateful Pup Can’t Stop Smiling At Her Surprise Birthday Party


On the day of her adoption, Kona — a rescued pittie mix — made it her mission to fill her forever house with joy. As a puppy, she played constantly with her mom, Collyn, and anyone else who entered their home. Whether she chased after toys or cuddled up with her family for a quick nap, Kona always put a smile on everyone’s faces.

Over the next seven years, the sweet girl’s household changed a lot, but her mission of making everyone happy remained strong.

“She has made every day since then better,” Collyn wrote on Instagram.

After a year of being their only fur child, Kona’s parents adopted another puppy, Mako. Kona took her new role as a big sister seriously, trading in her playful exuberance for a more responsible demeanor.

Soon after Mako settled in, Kona and her family welcomed a series of foster pups — each just as perfect as the last. While Mako took care of playtime, Kona made sure her temporary siblings were clean, safe and following the rules.

And she always checked in with her mom at the end of the day.


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Bài viết do Collyn (@makoandkonasmom) chia sẻ

Kona’s absolute favorite moments with her family were during times of celebration. From dressing up in Halloween costumes to crashing her parents’ wedding, Kona was elated whenever she could join in on someone else’s fun. So much so that Collyn decided to give her a celebration of her own.

When Kona turned 7 years old a few weeks ago, Collyn surprised her with a pink bandana, a sparkly tiara and a special visit from all her best friends. At night, a group of her favorite people sang a birthday song and presented her with her very first cake.

“I finally caved and got her a dog birthday cake for the first time,” Collyn wrote on Instagram. “She liked it.”

The sweet girl was ecstatic about her birthday surprise. She already enjoyed every other day with her family and friends, but to know she was loved made her smile bigger than ever before.

“[She] was trying to contain her excitement and not eat the cake because I asked her to wait,” Collyn wrote in an Instagram comment. “She loved nothing more than having a room full of family who she loves, smiling and clapping for her.”

You can watch her celebrate here:


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Bài viết do Collyn (@makoandkonasmom) chia sẻ

Kona finished out her seventh birthday with a round of hugs from everyone and a belly full of peanut butter cake. She’s spent every day since feeling beyond grateful for her amazing family, and they feel the same way about her.

“I couldn’t love her more,” Collyn wrote on Instagram.
