A Scared Crying Puppy Dumped In The Snow Now Has A Forever Dad Who Gives Him All His Love


Feeling loved and cared for is essential to a dog’s happiness

As their parents, we love watching their eyes sparkle with joy while they snuggle with us. Our fur babies feel safe in our arms, knowing that we will always be by their side.

Sadly, not all pups have the affection that they deserve. Canines feel betrayed and hurt after their owners abandon them without caring about their well-being.

These little puppies that end up on the streets find it extremely difficult to fend for themselves.

In winter, they curl up all alone, trying to get warm. They miss their mom’s warm cuddles and hope that someone will find them soon.

Weezer was one of the sweet pups who was just a baby when he found himself dumped in the snow and separated from his mom. Terrified and injured, he started howling.

Although he was scared more than ever before in his life, he never lost hope that good humans would save him and take him somewhere warm.

Weezer Hopes Someone Will Hear His Cries

When a St. Louis resident heard that there was a crying little fur baby abandoned in the snow, she immediately called Stray Rescue of St. Louis, a rescue organization.

Soon, Donna Lochmann and her fellow rescuers arrived at the scene. As soon as they got out of the car, they heard the puppy’s desperate cries for help. Their hearts sank.

The rescuers rushed towards him. The little baby curled up on a pile of snow next to a utility pole. He was frightened and couldn’t stop shivering.

His sad eyes and his howling left his rescuers heartbroken.

Apart from being cold and scared, the puppy, later named Weezer, was injured, too. He had a large wound under his front paw.

Giving Him The Help And Care He Needed

Lochmann stroked Weezer and reassured him that they would help him. He stopped crying. The puppy felt relieved that good humans came to his rescue.

His rescuer took him to the Jeep and Weezer was glad to be inside the warm car. He looked at Lochman with sweet eyes filled with gratitude. The adorable fur baby wagged his little tail, showing her how excited and happy he was. Lochmann’s heart melted.

She took him to the vet clinic and Weezer underwent a full medical checkup. The vet treated his wound.

The rescuers didn’t know the puppy’s backstory, but they assumed he had a difficult past.

“It looked as though he had been wearing a harness or a rope at some point in his life that was too tight and became embedded although when he was found he wasn’t wearing anything,” Natalie Thomson, a marketing and digital communications manager, told The Dodo.


Ever since Weezer came to the clinic, he captivated the hearts of everyone he met. He became the favorite pup at the clinic.

All the sweet pup needed was love, and he let his vet kiss him on the nose.

Soon, he moved to a foster home. As soon as Weezer met his foster mom, he covered her in kisses. It seemed as if he knew that she would help him get better.

His foster mom gave him a lot of love and cuddles and the canine continued healing.

Sweet Life In His Forever Home

After he made a complete recovery, he found a forever home and he settled in immediately.

“So when he first arrived at our house, he established that the couch was his and our bed was his. There have been times where we’ve found him dug up under the covers. He’s really made himself at home, and he’s kind of the king of the castle right now,” Shawn, Weezer’s forever dad, told The Dodo.

Weezer changed his name to Bowie. He became the happiest boi. He adores his parents and loves to be near them at all times. Whenever he sees them lying on the couch, he rushes to lie on top of them.

Bowie has an endearing way of asking for something.

“He’ll sit down next to us and he’ll just stare at us, like, directly into our soul. If we wait too long, then he starts making these little grumpy noises at us. Pig, little monkey noises. They’re very strange and they’re very funny,” Shawn added.

Bowie has a doggy sister named Penny and the two pups love each other immensely. They became inseparable.

The sweet pup celebrated his fifth birthday in July, 2023. He lives his best life with his family in St. Louis, Missouri.

He often shares updates about his everyday activities on his Instagram account. He enjoys napping in his warm bed and playing with his sister.

Bowie’s parents are deeply grateful for having Bowie in their lives. They love him immensely.

We’re over the moon that Bowie left his past behind and found the happiness and love he deserved.
