The Dog Was Beaten And Starved To The Point That He Was Left With Only Skin And Bones, Leaving Him With Only A 1% Chance Of Survival


A dog that was beaten and starved until it was just skin and bones could still become a miracle for an autistic boy.

The touching story about that stray dog ​​was published by Sohu news site and brought tears to many people.

Accordingly, Xena is a street dog, abused to the point that it seemed impossible to continue living. When he was found, the stray dog ​​could not walk normally, his breathing was weak, and his body was marked with wounds from beatings and violence.

Rescuers at that time determined that the dog had only a 1% chance of survival, however, no one accepted to give up this dog’s life. They gave him the name Xena – a name that contains the power of a warrior, in the hope that he will not give up this life.

After days of dedicated treatment, the dog escaped death’s scythe and gradually recovered. His extraordinary story was also posted online with the purpose of raising awareness of animal protection as well as finding him a new home.

The story of Xena the dog touched Johnny’s family. Little Johnny’s mother decided to adopt the dog and thereby completely changed her child’s future.

Like Xena the dog, Johnny is also a very special case. At the age of 2, Johnny’s parents began to discover unusual things about their child. The boy had difficulty functioning, could not learn to speak, and hated having any social contact. After testing, the boy was determined to have autism.

Upon learning this, his family had always wished for a miracle to appear, and they never thought that miracle would actually come to them in the form of a furry four-legged friend.

The first time they met, the dog Xena did not hesitate to jump on the boy’s lap, constantly licking him as a way for the dog to express his affection for this special friend. Before that, the boy’s family had raised two other dogs but Johnny didn’t care about them at all, so the rescued stray dog ​​Xena was a special exception.


The strange thing is that little Johnny also interacts with the dog Xena, he “talks” to the dog naturally with what he can at that time, this is something that has never happened.

Since that time, Johnny began to have significant changes. He gradually actively interacted with the world around him, knew how to express his feelings to everyone, he even knew how to make simple, standard plans. Get food for Xena and the other dogs in the house.

But perhaps the biggest change is that the boy gradually regained his language ability and could speak clearly.

Recalling the first days when she brought the dog home and her son began to change, the mother could not hide her choking emotions.

“That day I came home and saw my son interacting with the dog, I just stood still and watched the scene. I have spent thousands of dollars to take my child to therapy but to no avail, but this dog can do it” – The boy’s mother shared with emotion.

The father could not hide his tears: “When I took my child to play with the dog, he opened his arms and ran everywhere like a normal child. I ran after him in happiness.”

Currently, Johnny and his dog Xena are still active in meaningful activities promoting animal protection. The image of an autistic boy and his dog is like a bright picture of life, encouraging people to believe in the miracle of life.
